Jury members

Bartosz Makles
co-owner of wine shop Winawulkaniczne.pl, Poland
Alumni of The Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań, faculty – international finance & banking. Since 2003 he has been interested in wines & wine industry, he focuses mainly on Central Europe (Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria). In 2010 he joined Slow Food Convivum Wielkopolska. During last years Bartosz partcipated in „Wine & Food Pairing” courses led by Wine Spectator magazine, he holds a certificate of CapStone California Level 1 and Wine Spirit Education Trust Level 3 with theory exam passed with merit and tasting exam passed with distinction. He is a co-owner of Winawulkaniczne.pl wine shop with volcanic wines from Hungary, Italy, Israel, France, Portugal and Georgia. Last year he debuted as a wine author for a Polish wine magazine „Trybuszon” where he publishes press articles concerning Hungarian wine regions and endemic vines. Website