Jury members
Martin Wiederkehr
enologist, entrepreneur, Switzerland
Chief Enologist at the Swiss Federal Research Station for Fruit Growing, Viticulture and Horticulture in Wädenswil (Agroscope) (1991-98); Head of Purchasing and Logistics at C. August Egli AG in Zurich (1998-2000) and then at Haecky Group (2000-04); Head of Category Management and Marketing at Howeg TransGourmet Schweiz AG in Winterthur (2004-09); Chief Executive Officer of La Cave de Genève SA (2009-17); Chief Executive Officer of Rutishauser Weinkellerei AG, Scherzingen (2017-21); President of the BDW Deutschweiz (since 2020). Member of various associations: Founder of Swiss Center of Viticulture and Enology, Wädenswil; Founder of Think Tank Business Authority Wine; Founder of Mueller Thurgau Foundation, President of the Swiss Viticulturist Football Team, Association des Amis du Vin (ANAV); Bund der Weinkenner. Website